
Let's Surprise Your Loved Ones With Their Personalised Gifting

 “Something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to honour a person or an occasion or to provide assistance.” Yes, that’s what you call a gift.   In addition to this, there are many other methods or kinds of gifting, such as bequests, legacies, inheritances, dowries, donations, contributions, offerings, benefactions, endowments, bounty, boons, largess, alms, gratuities, tips, premiums, allowances, subsidies, gratuities, largess, bounty, boons, largess, alms, bounty, boons, largess and gratuities. As a result, each one of us has some sort of link to this ageless tradition, which is also the oldest and most widely practiced on this planet. Additionally, customization is currently all the rage in the business world.


There is one more significant aspect connected to this ritual, and that is the fact that everyone wants to have something special and unique on their contribution. Because of this, the gifting industry is undergoing rapid change in order to keep up with the passage of time and satisfy the requirements of its customers.


Taking it as an advantage the creators of the brand made the decision to streamline the gifting process for their users. They began an online website dedicated to gift-giving in order to make it accessible to people in a wide geographical area. In addition to this, everything is made available to everyone much more quickly. They have a primary monopoly on the production setup, which enables them to handle all aspects of customer customization in-house while keeping costs reasonable for consumers as a whole. Instead of competing with other online gifting brands, Creatire offers customization with the most options possible. This ensures that it is distinct from everything else. I was given the opportunity to work on the design of the brand identity and packaging for Creatire. Because there brand personality is to be charming, I decided to go with bright colors and the basic San Serif font in order to make it easy for users to understand and connect with. I found that reciting an illustration of a surprise gift box worked best when trying to add some excitement to the packaging.