Adinath Matchbox Museum & Research Center

Curiosity Is Sufficient To Help You Stand Out And Discover Your Life's Mission.

Adinath Pareek is a native of India and works as an ayurvedic physician professionally. Doing matchbox collation since 1963, he enjoyed collecting match-labels, matchbooks, matchboxes, matchsticks, skillets, different side fractions, stuffs, old documents, a Hollywood movie called “MATCHSTICK MAN” and a music album named “MATCHBOX 20,” animated movies of matches, the role of matchboxes in Hollywood and Bollywood, poetries, stories, magic, and stationary related to matchboxes and matchbox history in India.


He used to trade matchboxes, catalogues, and other items with other countries, such as the United States of America, Sweden, the Netherlands, Croatia, Pakistan, Russia, Germany, France, Czechoslovakia, Bangladesh, Slovenia, Poland, and more than 108 additional countries throughout the world. His museum attracts visitors from all around the world, including those from Russia, Israel, Italy, and many other countries. The museum  is known as the Adinath Matchbox Museum and research centre (AMMRC).


At the moment, he possesses a collection of 85  thousand plus match labels and matchboxes. Additionally, he has authored an Encyclopedia, which at the moment is only available in the Hindi language and features one thousand matchboxes from his collection. At the moment, he is a member of both the Rathkamp Matchcover Society (United States of America) and the Virtual Matchbox Labels Collectors Club (RUSSIA) .


In his collection, you will find a wide variety of unique matchboxes, to the tune of 500 in all. Some of these matchboxes are crafted from silver (and come with reusable silver matchsticks), copper, pearl, brass, sandal wood, meenakaari work, and other materials. To be more specific, he has some additional matchboxes that each contains a little radio and another that each contain a cracker pistol. In addition, he has dinnerware with matchbox designs and the world’s largest matchbook in his matchbox museum.


He has created the world’s smallest matchbox, which has dimensions of 5 millimeters, 10 millimeters, and 3 millimeters.

In addition to having a collection of matchboxes, he is interested in a wide variety of other collections, including: pens, pencils, old manuscripts and books, coins, stamps, paper currency, arrows, stones, shells, music systems, record and cassettes, designer perfume bottles, erasers, toy animals, mobile sim cards, advertisement labels, miniatures of cosmetics and wine bottles, gems, postcards, first day covers, paper cuttings.

Most impressively, his Collection was recognized as “India’s First Matchbox Museum” in Jaipur when it was included in the LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS-2012 (Raj).

I was tasked with developing a brand identity for the Adinath Matchbox Museum and Research Center (AMMRC) as well as designing some posters to advertise their museum. I came up with an idea to design a logo with an initial of the word “ADINATH,” so after a lot of research and development I came up with an idea to design a logo with an initial of the word “ADINATH,” so I designed a letter A in the shape of a matchbox as any collection in an infinite and continue process that Mr. Adinath always says, and I designed it with a single line continue stroke. 

The client needed a minimal logo design, so I use Nomadic Desert Brown and Havana Coffee Color were employed throughout the identity, which helped to establish contrast. Brown is not concerned with opulence and extravagance; rather, it places a high importance on life’s fundamental requirements, such as fire, which is widely recognized as one of the earth’s most significant components.

I was looking for a brand designer for my matchbox museum and research centre who could make my museum look good with simple and thought-out designs. Finding Mr. Kumar Aditya was a lucky break. His skills and sense of design are really impressive. I'm very happy with the results, and I would recommend him to anyone.
Dr. Adinath
Ayurvedic Doctor